Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mush on!

Welcome to the urban mushing blog....finally! I say this because I finally got off my lazy butt and am actually posting the first blog entry. What the heck --- it's only been over 4 months since Claire first set up this blog which is linked from the Urban Mushing website. But I promise, from hereon, I will be updating this blog on a regular basis.

Speaking of, the first thing I want to do is thank Claire Mardesich for everything she has done for our urban mushing group here in Southern California. Both she and husband Matt are owners of our favorite source of doggy treats, Three Dog Bakery in San Clemente. They are avid supporters of this sport and the Southern California Working Snow Dogs and are the nicest couple you would ever meet. And with their six siberian huskies and one spotted husky (aka Duncan the Dalmatian), the Mardesiches are all about having fun with the dogs.

And for those of you who don't know it, Claire is the web mistress behind the urban mushing website. She also volunteers her time by maintaining the website for Husky Camp, in between baking all those tasty dog biscuits . And of course, she and Matt are operating their store full time so I am not really sure where she finds the time and energy to do all this. She must part husky.....

By the way, we did run the dogs today at Fairview Park. The weather was great, specially considering that it is summer time. But the marine layer stuck around and it stayed cool and overcast throughout our run with temperatures hovering between 66F - 68F. We will be running again tomorrow, although it will probably warm up sooner than it did today. Not sure how much longer we will be able to run the dogs before we take a break from the ever warming summer temperatures and then start running again in early fall for the '08-'09 season.

We had quite a decent turnout today --- Kaitlyn, an 11-year old newbie that just recently joined the group with her mom and dad and their husky Sitka, was counting dogs early on and she was up to 27 but more were showing up. It's really great to see all these happy dogs getting together and having a great time.

I will have to sign off for now but I will probably post again tomorrow and let you know how Sunday's run turned out.

Mush on....and enjoy the ride!


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